Considered a holy mountain (especially under Zoroastrianism), this peak-not too far from Baki- offered the perfect relaxed day’s outing. So off to the 5 finger mountain we went to gain holy energy and some fresh air.
Beş barmaq is a natural fortress. It used to guard the narrowest part of the coastal plain, where once a wall stood between the top and the sea to protect the commerce (caravanserai-silk route). Now, it is a pilgrim and tourist destiny.
After a relatively steep walk towards the peak (not too high), strong winds blowing us backwards, one big mud pool, quite a few cows, and the qəpik ladies, I was shocked to see that the name is really misplaced: it should be 6 fingers (alti-barmaq), unless this holy place did something really bad and one of the fingers was split into two... or perhaps that is just the place you are looking from. Below, part of the trip in pics:

Happy as three little bunnies we ascended again...
returning to Baki revived!
Did anyone mention it was really windy near the peak???
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :)